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Fully Managed
Dedicated Servers
Fully managed dedicated servers are ideal for running high end, resource intensive enterprise applications or portals. Key features are
  Dedicated resource allocation
  Managed patching, os upgrade
  Firewall, Anti-virus protection
  Unlimited Server Administration
  Hardened / Performance tuned
  Web based server control
Completely Brand-able
Software Companies, Web Designers and individuals run hosting business by becoming a SMS Infotech  reseller. Key features are
  High Revenue Generation
  Two Tier Control Panel
  High End Server Configs
  Anti Virus & Anti Spam Tools
  SMS Gateway Integrated
Semi - Dedicated
Power Hosting Servers
Power Hosting is a high-end, robust hosting solution which allows you to run resource intensive corporate applications or websites
  The minimum configuration of the servers are 4 Gig ram, Dual Xeon with SCSI thus enabling you to run you application or website running without any latency.
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